A place I would like to visit

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Today I want to talk about a country that I've always wanted to visit, Scotland. Scotland is well known for its beautiful castles, landscapes and for being the home of men who play bagpipes and use kilts. It also has a more mysterious side, which I love, that can be found in a culture full of a lot of great histories and myths.

Imagen relacionadaIf I had the opportunity to explore this place, I would like to make a trip to the Calanais Standing Stones. Something about this monument makes it very special and somewhat peaceful.I have heard that in the summer solstice you can see the sun rise right above one of the stones.

Another thing that I really want to do is to see the Northern Lights that take place in autumn and winter season. Lastly, if I happen to have any time left, I would like to stop by the famous scottish castles, each one with a very unique history.

I think that it would be really interesting to live or study in this place because it has so many things to experience and learn from.It seems to be friendly and free-spirited but also very passionate and intense. I´d love to be surrounded by this atmosphere.

When I think of Scotland I imagine a greenish land with people that have a very cute accent and are very proud of their history. If I had the chance to travel to this place I wouldn't even hesitate to take the offer.

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  1. Awesome landscapes!!! I'd also love to go there sometime in the future.

  2. I love scotland, it's wonderful: D

  3. Is great to know that someone else likes the same things than me <3


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