My experience with the herbarium

This week the topic is very entertainig. It is about my experience with the herbarium.It happened last year on my first year of uni. Every year, first years students have to make an herbarium. They tell you at the beginning of the year that you have to make it. It usually consists of 30 plants(10 natives and 20 exotics). I remember that I started to collect samples at the start of July when I was on the winter holidays. I always go out to the beach with my family so I took advantage of the opportunity. I was hoping to pick up mainly natives species rather than exotic ones. Sadly I could only get foreign plants like Cupressus macrocarpa and Eucalypthus globulus. Then around August I went with my classmates to Bosque El Panul to advance with the herbarium. Even though we didn't really walk around much, we got a lot of native species. I was very happy and relieved. Later on September, around the national holidays I went to one of my uncles's house on Limache. As always, my intention was to get the natives plants ready first but I only got to take exotic ones out again. It is funny that the majority of the natives that I had were from Santiago instead of from places in others regions.On a deperate attempt to finish early the herbarium I went with my family to Quebrada de Macul on the beginning of October. Since that trip I started to worry about the quality of my samples. It took me over two months to dry out the species that I had. Every day I devoted a great amount of time to get them ready. On the month that it was due the delivery, our teachers helped us with the recognition of the plants. Even though I tried with all of being to be ready with it early I still had problems and it ended stressing me out. I remember that the last night before the delivery, I put an all-nighter because I understimated the amount of time that it would take me to search for the information about the samples. Lastly, to make things worse, I fell asleep and if it weren't for my dad  I would never have made it on time. Well, in spite of everything that happened, I actually liked the experience of making an herbarium. It took me to places I didn't knew and I had fun while making it. It made me feel like I was a mother of those samples.


  1. oh pola, would you like make a digital herbarium with me?

  2. the best part was the last night when we was finish the herbarium! #ksi
    c u!

  3. It's was a great experience go with you to the Panul!


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